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Don't Leave Me Here/Please Take Me Home

2018-23, installation (blown-up prints of collected press releases and printed text on paper)

Overall dimensions variable; 64pcs of 59.4 x 42cm and 100pcs of 29.7 x 21cm

Don’t Leave Me Here/Please Take Me Home raises questions on what constitutes an artwork. Don’t Leave Me Here is made up of 64 selected press releases arranged in the order collected by me over the years in an attempt to widen my exposure to art. The companion piece, Please Take Me Home, is a set of specially prepared press release for the work, which audiences are invited to take home.


By putting the spotlight on the often-neglected press releases, the installation transforms the materials into objects of memory for me as well as a presentation of my explorations into contemporary art. The reversal of roles and blurring of lines between crafted works and commonplace objects – in this case press releases – probes the question of what constitutes an artwork, as well as the idea of exclusivity
in art.

The first print of Please Take Me Home, presented at An Exhibition about Art, 2023, can be downloaded here.

The second print of Please Take Me Home, presented at Hidden Reflection, 2024, can be downloaded here.

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