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This is #singtogethersg

2020, single-channel video with sound, 4min

After a couple of "Clap for #SGUnited" events in March - April 2020 when we applaud to show appreciation to our frontline workers in the fight against the pandemic, a singalong event "Sing Together Singapore" was organised to rally citizens to show our appreciation and support for healthcare and migrant workers. Citizens were encouraged to gather at their home windows or balconies with flashlights to sing along at a designated time, following the broadcasted performance by local singers and artistes, and to even record themselves and the neighbourhood during the singalong with the hashtag #singtogetherSG, #SingaporeTogether and #stayhomeforSG. A special video compilation was then published the same night 2 hours later.

I was inspired by this initiative such that I decided to edit my own version of everyone coming together united as one.

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